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Just another SEO weblog

Ultimate DoFollow Blog List

You are looking for dofollow Blogs? Yeah man, you are right here!

01.08.2008: more than 800 dofollow blogs:

UPDATE 25.09.2008: more than 1000 dofollow blogs:

And notice, I will regulary update the list, to provide you more and more dofollow Blogs, so please subscribe my Feed and bookmark my blog.

35 Responses to “Ultimate DoFollow Blog List”

  1. This is a great find. Thanks!

  2. Sweet list, just throw this into a comment tool and sha-boom! LINKS baby…

  3. Thankyou, already downloaded it =)

  4. Thanks for the huge list. By the way, how do you find this kind of blog? Do you use any software?

  5. […] That is a very long list of 800 Do-Follow Blogs collected by SeoBlackhatWoman. […]

  6. Thank you very much

  7. What a great list! I have bookmarked your site and will be back!

  8. thanks for this tool.

    2 question

    where can i find comment tool

    can we post same comment in each blog?

  9. Uhh, I downloaded the .rar file but I couldn’t uncompress it. Says it’s not a valid .rar file. 😦 Please help!

  10. Thanks for the great list. i am downloading it now. i will checkback for more great products from you

  11. wow, you’ve really [put a lot of effort in this list, as well as in the other downloadable sources you have all over your blog. sincerely thanking you for those too, would definitely cut down my time doing my “biz” with the tools you provided… i hope i find more helpful tips and shares from this blog! (btw, i think you could give a few simple tips what the shares you provided are for specifically, and few steps to implement/use them could be very helpful to newbies like me).. kudos!

  12. great list, thanks for compiling it!

  13. You have a very nice list. Actually it was the best option to dowload the list one time .. Thats a real big and useful list organized by you.. You can include my blog too.. i am a dofollower.

  14. Awesome list; here’s another to add…

  15. Nice list I got try them out sometime

  16. Visit my site….

  17. Hi, maybe you’ll find my 2 do-follow blogs appropriate for your great list:

    Alexander aka Website Monitoring Guy

  18. @ Alexander:
    I have added your blogs also – thanks

  19. Thats a bunch of list there, thanks for sharing those blogs that have dofollow. Commenting on those blogs will gave you good backlink. With that you’ll improve your ranking in SERP.

  20. this list is good – and the urls are not published – that is smart -_-

  21. Ohh

    The file share site filled with add pop up blogs me from downloading the file

  22. Yep, good. I’ll try soon.

  23. Thanks For The Such A Post

  24. wow thats a really long list of blogs… time to weed out some relevant blogs and slowly build links back from them… even an edu link.. nice

  25. great list, could you add my blog to that list also.

  26. Can you include my blog to your list please. here is the URL: It’s a 3 year old SEO blog of mine. thanks.

  27. Thanks for that – Does anybody now any commenting tool?

  28. Very nice do follow blog list. Thanks.

  29. Hey, I love your work keep the good vibes coming!.

  30. Thanks for the great list.

    I use the fast blog finder tool to find relevant blogs, but I refrain from using a commenting tool. I myself won’t approve any comments which seem out of context or too general.

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